Monday, 30 April 2007


A quick aside, that would no doubt bore Ed senseless were he in the country (as I may have said before, he's not, so sod him): I played 7s yesterday for the first time in nearly ten years. I could run through every injury on my body, but it would take a while, and probably wouldn't be that interesting - suffice to say that I have a badly bruised big toe, a badly bruised right ear, and pretty much everything in between is scraped/bruised/sprained. Christ, it hurt.

Anyway, it's been the kick up the arse I've clearly needed for the last ten years - that realisation that I actually am as unfit as I tell people I am. And so I'm running, I'm joining a gym to do some weights, I'm playing sport regularly... At the same time as I'm educating Ed in the ways of spectator sport, I'm going to be re-educating my body in participation of the same. It could go horribly wrong - I'll keep you posted. As, no doubt, will Ed - particularly if it goes horribly wrong.

It's really quite cathartic, this blogging lark, isn't it?

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