Wednesday, 11 April 2007

A dramatic start...

How to introduce this blog?

I think 'briefly' is probably the best way.

(Incidentally, that reminds me of a great game. That'll come in a later post.)

Important things to know about this blog:

- Sport matters. It matters more than most things.
- If you thought 'Really? Seriously?' when you read that first point, you're probably in the wrong place.
- This blog was the idea of someone who didn't know England won the last Rugby World Cup.
- To stress, that person wasn't me. I am well aware that England won the last Rugby World Cup. I was moving house at the time.
- Why I was moving house will inevitably come out at some point. But not yet.

Finally, to cement the blogger's arrogance, there's a fiver for the first person to correctly source the title quote of this post in the comments.

I'm going to be talking about sport. You, hopefully, are going to be reading about it. Who knows - we might just have fun.



basilg said...

1973 Babas vs All Blacks at the Arms Park. something about "it's Edwards, a dramatic start, and what a score"

dare i say Cliff Morgan?


Dan said...

Very good. The money is yours. Lunch on Sunday? Fatby and I are toying with the idea...

Unknown said...

Dont you two lovers have some work to get on with ?